We have been advised by Wiscombe Park Hillclimb that the British Hillclimb Championship rounds scheduled for July have been postponed. The following statement has been issued by the venue: “It is with great regret and sadness that we have had to announce the postponement of the Wiscombe Park Hillclimb events scheduled for the weekend of the 25th & 26th July. Your patience and understanding at these difficult times is much appreciated”.
The BHC Committee fully appreciates the decision by Wiscombe Park Hillclimb to postpone events in July in order to give themselves more time to comply with the recently published Motorsport UK guidelines. We continue to work on a new calendar with all the venues/clubs and hope to be in a position to issue this by the end of the month.
For a full a transcript of this announcement please click here.
In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe and we hope to see everybody as soon as we are permitted to do so.
