Liverpool Motor Club have announced that they are cancelling all motorsport activity at Barbon Hillclimb for the current year. During the last 24 hours John Harden, Chairman of Liverpool Motor Club on behalf of Barbon Events has announced the following: “It is with regret that we have to advise that the 4th July Barbon Hillclimb is cancelled. After a great deal of deliberation including consulting our safety, medical and support volunteers, we have reached the sad conclusion that we won't be able to run any hillclimbs at Barbon this year.” For the whole of John Harden’s statement please click here. Clearly this impacts on the British Hillclimb Championship and we would like to confirm to all competitors and interested parties that the BHC team are in daily communications with Motorsport UK, the venues and many of our drivers. We have contingencies in place for a late start to the season but only if we are satisfied that it is safe and prudent to do so. Please stay safe and we will issue further statements in due course.
